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Professor Henry Laurens¹ Chair, History of the Contemporary Arab World Program, has been created in 2003. From that date until 2006, Professor Laurens has been giving history lectures dealing both with the ³Birth of the Palestinian issue² (2003-2004) and ³Europe and the Muslim World in the Nineteenth Century² (2004-2006). Since 2006, Professor Laurens devoted himself to analysing the Palestinian Issue from the June 1967 up to the October War and its aftermath until today¹s time. In addition to his public teaching in the main ³College de France² lecture hall, Professor Laurens set out and commented upon Palestinian and Arabic recent political autobiographies written in Arabic, as part of his weekly seminar.
Les enseignements sont diffusés avec le soutien de la Fondation Bettencourt Schueller

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Pour comprendre les événements passés et actuels du proche et Moyen Orient.
Bravo pour une telle clarté et objectivité sur un sujet si complexe.